الخطوة 1
تابع الأخبار الأخيرة!
في JOC، نوفر معلومات حول أعمال web3 ليس فقط عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مثل Twitter وDiscord، بل أيضًا من خلال البودكاست.
الخطوة 2
احصل على NFT العضوية ورموز JOC من لوحة تحكم JOC!
NFT المصدرة على JOC يمكن مشاهدتها من خلال لوحة التحكم. هناك مزايا مثل دعوات الفعاليات لمن يمتلكون NFT!
مجتمع JOC
أخبار JOC
OpenZeppelin Defender Now Available with Japan Open Chain
〜 Enhancing Security and Efficiency for Smart Contract Operations on JOC 〜 Japan Blockchain Foundation Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Hidekazu Kondo, hereinafter referred to as "our company"), the consortium managing Japan Open Chain (hereinafter "JOC"), is pleased to announce that OpenZeppelin, the standard for secure onchain applications at any scale, has made its smart contract management platform, "OpenZeppelin Defender" (hereinafter "Defender"), fully compatible with JOC.
2024.12.12Japan Open Chain Welcomes IoTrust as Development Partner
〜 D’CENT and WEPIN Support JOC Network to Drive the Expansion of the Japan-Korea Blockchain Ecosystem 〜 Japan Blockchain Foundation Co., Ltd. (CEO: Hidekazu Kondo), which oversees the operation and management of the Ethereum-Compatible Layer1 Public Blockchain 'Japan Open Chain (JOC),' is pleased to announce that IoTrust, a leading blockchain wallet provider from Korea (headquartered in Korea, CEO: Sangsu Baek), has joined the JOC Development Partner Program to promote services on Japan’s public blockchain, "Japan Open Chain" (JOC).
2024.12.11Nethermind Joins Japan Open Chain as a Validator
Japan Blockchain Foundation, Inc. (CEO: Hidekazu Kondo, hereafter referred to as "our company"), which operates and manages the consortium for Japan Open Chain (JOC), a fully Ethereum-compatible public blockchain run by Japanese companies, is pleased to announce that Nethermind (APAC Managing Director: Delane Foo, hereinafter referred to as "Nethermind"), the world's leading provider of Ethereum node software, has joined as a validator (blockchain operational partner) for Japan Open Chain.